Saturday, December 5, 2009


Hey everybody! It sure has been awhile. Sorry about that. I really don't have time anymore to post. But I 'll keep trying. My days are really long. And I am not writing to express how I feel. I am here to show all of you who are just as busy as I am something. They are two bible verses. I have them with me everyday for the times when I feel like I just can't move on. Here they are:
"Every morning he wakes me. He teaches me to listen like a student. The Lord God helps me learn....." Isaiah 50:4,5
"The Lord says,"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8
I hope these can help you through those long days. I know they help me. =D

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Competotors Creed

This year I am planning on joining FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Athletes). It sounds really neat. I went to a informational meeting for it and received a packet that has a creed(The Competitor's Creed) written in it. It hit me hard. I now have a different look at the pain I endure while doing my conditioning. Here it is:

I am a Christian first and last.
I am created in the likeness of God Almighty to bring Him glory.
I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.
I wear the colors of the cross.
I am a Competitor now and forever.
I am made to strive, to strain, to stretch and to succeed in the arena of competition.
I am a Christian Competitor and as such, I face my challenger with the face o f Christ.
I do not trust in myself.
I do not boast in my abilities or believe in my own strength.
I rely solely on the power of God.
I compete for the pleasure of my heavenly Father, the honor of Christ and
the reputation of the Holy Spirit.
My attitude on and off the field is above reproach-my conduct beyond criticism.
Whether I am preparing, practicing or playing;
I submit to God's authority and those He has put over me.
I respect my coaches, officials, teammates, and competitors out of respect for the Lord.
My body is the temple of Jesus Christ.
I protect it from within and without.
Nothing enters my body that does not honor the Living God.
My sweat is an offering to my Master. My soreness is a sacrifice to my Savior.
I give my all-all of the time.
I do not give up. I do not give in.
I do not give out.
I am the Lord's warrior- a competitor by conviction and disciple of determination.
I am confident beyond reason because my confidence lies in Christ.
The results of my efforts must result in His glory.
Let the competition begin.
Let the glory be God's.
What is highlighted is my favorite line. Reading this really gave me a different way to look at some things. How did it affect you?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Maybe it's not me

I look at you wondering if you ever look at me so i could see a glimpse of what use to be
like when you said you loved me and that our love was forever
It doesn't seem that way today.
I flash you a smile and all i get is a frown a mile,
You can't even talk to me like you did before, I wonder what it could be
Maybe it's not me

You make me feel invisible. I didn't know that was possible.
you make me fell like a dark day and your the one who make the clouds go away
so here i am to say
Does it hurt you to look at me oooooo Does it hurt you to look at me
Maybe yes maybe no maybe it's not me

I walk up to you you walk away I may have something important to say
I guess it doesn't matter anyway You don't care either way i won't waste my breath away


One of these days you'll try to find you way back to me but you will never know which road to take
so i might as well go you'll never know

You made me feel invisible i didn't know it was passable You made me feel like a dark day and you were the one to make the clouds go away
so at last i say
It really hurts you to look at me oooooo it really hurts you to look at me
Yes it does I know it does
it was me

("Tell me what think of it.")

Monday, August 10, 2009

Too Much People-Pleasing

Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10
"Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it."-Rick Warren
We all know that these words are sadly true. I have even found myself in them a few times. Instead of looking to God for guidance, we look to our friends then suffer the consequences.Instead of trying to please our Father in heaven, we try to please our peers, with decidedly mixed results.
We all need to seek God's approval first and other people's first. It may sound simple, but it is the only way to reap the marvelous riches that God has in store for you.
So the question is,"Whom will you try to please today, God or your friends?" Your obligation is to God, not to your friends or even your family members.You must seek to please our all-knowing, all-powerful God first ans always. NO EXCEPTIONS.
"When we are set free from the bondage of pleasing others, when we are free from currying others' approval- the no one will be able to make us miserable or dissatisfied. And then, if we know we have pleased God, contentment will be our consolation." Kay Arthur
"Fashion is an enduring testimony to the fact that we live quite consciously before the eyes of others." John Eldredge
"You will get untold flak for prioritizing God's revealed and present will for your life over man's ....but, boy, is it worth it." Beth Moore
Here is a tip for today: Don't worry about popularity contests. When you have a choice between pleasing others and pleasing God, choose God.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Austin was Awesome!!!

I couldn't have asked for a nicer trip. I had so much fun!!!! The first night we spent the nigh at Emma's aunt's house. Emma and i were suppose sleep on the couch and our little sisters on one of those beds that come out of a couch. In the end all four of us slept on that bed. Very uncomfortable and HOT! The second day we went to a natural spring. The water was clear and gorgeous! The only thing was....... IT WAS FREEZING!!!!! It took us 10 minutes to completely immerse our self in the water. On the last day we went by Inner Space Caverns. Inside of the cavern, the temperate was about 20 degrees less than it was outside. The cavern was amazing. You never think about what is happening underneath you. The stalagmites and stalactites were breathtaking. There were even little bats inside. Look at your thumb, that is how big they were. Overall the trip was so much fun.

Losing a friend

In about a week, I have a friend named Brooklyn moving to Utah. I and many other friends of hers' have known her since kindergarten. The thing is it is just her and her mom DRIVING there. I think it is about a two day drive. My family and many others gave them a going away party last night. They received a $100 visa gift card for gas. They will most definitely need it. I have gained many new friends, kept old ones, and now I am losing one. If you will please pray for the safety and strength of Brooklyn and her mother. The hardest thing for her is not losing possessions or moving to a new home, it's leaving behind all of the people she loves and holds close to her heart..

Monday, August 3, 2009

Austin, here I come.

I'm going to Austin with Emma tonight! I am so excited!!!! We are staying there tonight thru Wednesday. We're going to see her cousins. I hope I can survive. 48 HOURS WITH HER!! Well..... I will see what happens. Sorry I haven't been posting. Busy busy busy. I will let you know how the trip went when I get back.

P.s. I have really bad hiccups right now!!! Grr.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Asking God

I say to you, keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9

Do you ask God for his help only when you absolutely need it? or just occasionally? Lets hope not. We all need to be in the habit of asking God for his help and guidance in every aspect of your life. The Bible promises that God will guide you if you let him. Your job: let him. Sometimes you will be tempted to go along with the crow, other times you may just want to go your own way. Obviously, that it not God's way. When you feel those temptations, resist them. God promises that He will always help you if you just ask. Ask him to lead you, to correct you, and to protect you. If you ask he will give, all you have to do is ask. God is standing at the door, once you knock he will let you in. Your job is to seek His guidance prayerfully, confidently, and often.

"When will we realize that we're not troubling God with our questions and concerns? His heart is open to hear us-his touch nearer than our next thought-as if no one in the world existed but us. Our very personal God wants to hear from us personally." Gigi Graham Tchividjian
"Often I have made a request of God with earnest pleadings even backed up with Scripture, only to have Him say 'No' because He had something better in store." Ruth Bell Graham
" By asking in Jesus' name, we're making a request not only in His authority, but also for His interests and His benefit." Shirley Dobson

Every day God gives us a wrapped gift, we need to unwrap it, use it, and give thanks to the giver.

Dear lord, today I will ask You for the things I need. In every circumstance, in every season of life, I will come to you in prayer. You know the desires of my heart, lord; grant them I ask. Yet not my will, Father, but Your will be done. Amen

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Maybe God is helping you help others and yourself.

Do you ever think that God is trying to help you make your own day better or someone else's Day better? In little ways like the other day, my sister bought ice cream from the ice cream man. She bought two things because her throat was hurting. As she was walking back to our house, there were these two boys running after the truck. They soon realized that it was long gone. I had the idea of my sister giving her extra ice cream to the boys. I told her that maybe that's why she bought two ice creams. God wanted her to give the ice cream to the boys. It made them happy and it made my sister happy.
Anther thing that happened............. I will tell you the story all the way from the beginning.
Emma had her birthday and I called to tell her happy birthday. She wasn't having a party or anything, so I went on with my day. I soon realized that I could try to give her a surprise birthday party. I was so excited. I called a few friends including one we have both not seen in a year( her name is Skylar). All in all no one came except Skylar. I was OK with it. Emma didn't know she was coming, so that was a surprise. Back to the main idea here.........Later that night as we were eating enchiladas(Emma and Skylar's favorite when they come to my house) and cupcakes with pink icing Skylar was saying that maybe that's why no one else came. God gave them something else to do so we could catch up. It turned out really nice.

Bible verse to think about. Psalm 32:8
The Lord says," I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The REAL Definition of Maturity.

The REAL definition of maturity comes from Hebrews 5:1-3.
"Every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness. This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people."

Think about this.

Ask yourself this question today: Do I have a few really close friends who I can trust or do I have tons of friends who sometimes don't really care for me? Answer this question then think about it. I would say that I would rather have the closer friends. Speaking of, I have two, Melissa and Emma. I have wrote a little about them in an earlier post. They are my sisters. I love them. Almost everyone I know is having a problem with this. Problem: Having all of the friends, but not having any close ones. Having the close friends, but not having tons of friends. I have always wanted allot of friends, but I never got them. I have my close friends and I have learned to accept that in a good way. I know someone who has all of the friends, but has a hard time connecting with them. All in all, learn to be happy with your friends, love them, connect with them, and learn to be happy with whom God has placed in your path of life.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

God gave you brain. You might as well use it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Flowers done in charcoal.

"Hello Kity"

"flaming basketball"

My Sketch book drawings.

This is a picture of Pooh. I drew him with pencil.
I thought that the turn out was good.
A girl in a prom dress. Also drawn in pencil.
A flower with hearts and swirls.
An eye and a nose blown up.

My Art work

This one is first pinkish redish water colors. Then black paint.
In other words it is a silhouette.
The next two were part of a process.
This is step one. Done in pencil.
This was step two. First I colored a piece of paper really hard with crayons. Then painted over with it in black paint. Then scraped some of the paint off to come up with the finished product.

My Art work

This is another pencil drawing that I did for Onsite drawing. I got first place>
This is one of my abstract pieces. This picture really describes me.
The left side of this is really the top and the right side is really the bottom. It is bamboo.
I drew this with ink.
This is a "Valley". I did it with paint.
This is a part of an orange flower. I drew this one with water colored pencils.

My Art work

Below are some of my pencil drawings.
This is my sister's turtle "Samantha".
This is what I drew in an art contest called Onsite Drawing. I got fifth place at state
Below are some of my pastel drawings.

This is a "Desert".
This is a "Cowboy Hat".
P.S. There is more to the picture, But I could not fit it all into the picture.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"DAAADDYYY! I'm thirsty!"

Here is a little story I was told in church Sunday. I thought it was funny, so I will tell it to you.
There was a dad putting his son to bed. "You used the restroom?" "Yes, dad" "Anything else before I leave? Once I'm gone you loose your chance." "Nope." "O.K. Goodnight son." "Goodnight daddy." Then the dad shuts the door and leaves. 5 minutes later "DAAAddYYYY! " , the son yells, " Can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!" "No son. You already had your chance." 5 minutes later "DAAAADDYYYY!", the son yells," Can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!" "No son! I gave you a chance and you didn't use it! Ask me one more time and I will come in there and give you a spanking!" 2minutes later "DAAADDYYY! When you come in here to give me a spanking, can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

God vs. Money: Who do you think should win?

Then Jesus said to them," Be careful and guard against ll kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns."

Luke 12:15

"So much stuff to shop for, and so little time......" Has that ever gone through through your head before? It probably has. Let's hope that your not building you life around that next visit to the mall. The problem is that many people are. Today, people are obsessed with money and everything that it can buy. God is not. Should you be? God cares about people not their possessions, we should think like that too. Everyday we must try to resist the great temptation of placing possessions ahead of people. We must do our best to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Hear this: money is no evil, worshipping it is. You have got to remember that God is almighty and money is not. Worship God and you are blessed. Worship the dollar, we are punished and our punishment comes sooner rather than later.

"As faithful stewards of what we have, ought we not to give earnest thought to our staggering surplus?" Elizabeth Elliot
"It's sobering to contemplate how much time, effort, sacrifice, compromise, and attention we give to acquiring and increasing our supply of something that is totally insignificant in eternity."
Anne Graham Lotz
"When possessions become our god, we become materialistic and greedy...... and we forfeit our contentment and our joy." Charles Swindoll
" When we put people before possessions in our hearts, we are sowing seeds of enduring satisfaction." Beverly LaHaye
"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess." Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom

Remember that your real riches are in heaven and to always place God First. Everything we have, we borrow from God.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I LOVE FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McDonald's fries are definitely my weakness. My life would be lost with out them.

God places our friends on our path.

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you.
Philippians 1:3
Want to know a little more about me, well, here you go.
I have three really close friends. There names are Melissa, Emma, and Mckynzie(let's call her Mac for short).
I have known Mac since kindergarten. From what I have heard, I didn't have many friends back then. On the first day of the first grade, she asked me to play with her. I was so happy.
Now she calls me "first bestest buddy". I hope we can stay friends forever.
Next is Emma. All I can say is,"OH, EMMA!" I have also known her since kindergarten. We were not really friends then, but we have gotten closer. She is practicly my sister. I see her almost every day. Visit her blog at . It is real cute!My life would be soooo boring without her. She is the one who tests my patience( EVERY time I see her. I love her! =D
Lastly is Melissa. I saved the best for last. I honestly do not deserve her as my friend. She is so nice and kind to me. She is so unselfish. I have known her since we were both two. We have amazingly kept a strong friendship for that long. I am am speechless. I do not know what I would do without her. I thank her for all of that. Check out her blogs, and . They are so totally AWESOME!

Friend-a person who is attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Other words that describe true friends: trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, kindness, understanding, forgiveness, encouragement, humor, and cheerfulness.

We need to thank God for our friends and the many other things He has given us. He is the one who place them on our path of life.
"We long to find someone who has been where we've been, who shares our fragile skies, who sees our sunsets with the same shades of blue."
Beth Moore
"You could have been born in another time and another place, but God determined to "people" your life with these particular friends."
Joni Eareckson Tada
"Trust is the soil in which the flower of friendship grows."
Marie T. Freeman
"The best times in life are made a thousand times better when shared with a dear friend."
Luci Swindoll
May we have our friends and keep them forever!

Winnie the Pooh

I have an Eorh backpack. He is my second favorite Winnie the Pooh character. (P.S. I don't really use it. It is just for show.)( P.S.S. If you know how to spell Eyor, let me know if I spelled it right. If i did not please let me know. THANKS!)
Call me a baby, but I love Pooh Bear. I watched his movies all the time when I was little. I think he is sooo CUTE!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Laaaaaa La La Laaaa La!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Great Wolfe Lodge

For my end of school celebration, my family and I went to the Great Wolf Lodge. I had a great time. There is an outdoor and indoor water parks. Indoors, there are two big water slides and three small ones, a lazy river, wave pool, an area for the little ones, and a big jungle gym with a big bucket(the kind that fills up with water then dumps water on you). I had to hold my bottoms up. My friend Kellie and I stood in the jungle gym in the same spot for about 30 minutes. All we did was dump water on people. It was really sad that we were laughing at peoples' misery. One thing that I thought was cool, was that every time the waves in the wave pool were about to start wolves would howl. Everything else was O.K. I would give the indoor park a 3 out of a five. It could have been better.
The outdoor park I give a 2 out of a 5. There were two little slides. There was this thing that spit out water every once in Really nothing else. Almost forgot about the hot tubs. Every water park must have a hot tub. There were two of them. One went from the outside to the inside. That one wasn't really hot, it was warm(Probably because the only people in it were kids). The other one was for adults only.
Every morning and night there is a show in the lobby. The thing is, there were robot things singing. They were singing, "Don't be afraid...." I was like, " I am of you!" So, I never really watched it. The whole day those robot things were starring at you. Yeah, NOT DISTURBING AT ALL!!!! Another down side is there theme song. I was about to go crazy (oh wait. I already am). If you every see the commercials or go through the entrance, COVER YOUR EARS! You do not want the same fate a s me.
Another thing to do there is the Quest thing. You get a wand and you get a topper on it then these string thingies. I didn't actually do it, But it looked like FUN! There are tons of other things to do there you should check it out. I had a great time, I bet you would too!
P.S. If you do go, try a virgin Pina Colada. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! OMG! That drink was the best. I could live off of that stuff.

CrAzY AnD bRaInLeSs :D

O.K. Please don't laugh at me. If you look at my followers you will probably see two new ones. The first one, I'll get to later. The other one is RamsGirl, me. Yes, I follow my own blog. Really sad I know. The thing is, I have no idea exactly how I did it. Now, for the second one, that's my friends' new blog, CrAzY aNd BrAiNlEsS. Please visit it. There's not much there yet, but it is a working progress. I think it is really cute. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

These are the only videos I can use, so what the heck. Here they are!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

It's amazing what all God has created. We should thank God for all of it each and every day. He has created things as little as a butterfly to as big as the universe. Before you go to bed at night, you can thank God for all that he has done for you and thank him for being at your side helping you throughout the day. Pray that he will be with you for the days to come.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Make time for God.

The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
Isaiah 50:4
When you pray to God, do you do it just to do it, you try to squeeze him in to your already busy schedule, or do you actually spend more time with him and remind yourself of God's love? You can be closer to God just by spending each morning with him to align your priorities for the day. Anything you need help with, God can help you. Ask for it many times each day by starting with you morning prayer. When you do it, it will change your life. God deserves more than that, but it is better than nothing. You have to start some where. Then you can grow from that.

"We all need to make time for God. Even Jesus made time to be alone with God."
Kay Arthur
"Morning praise will make your days."
Old Saying
"The world is full of noise. Let us learn the art of silence, stillness, and solitude."
Elisabeth Elliot
The world is always calling your name, but it is up to you to make time for God.

Worry Stone

Have you ever heard of a worry stone? Well, now you can say you have. I have one. It is like a clear stone with an angel inside. If I remember correctly, you give all of you worries to the angel. Whenever I pray, I hold the stone in between my hands. I got the stone from one of my mom's friends on the day of my baptism. It is really special to me. It is a good reminder that you can always go to God for help 24/7.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jenny the Peanut

Who would have thought that a peanut could have such a great life? You know, compared to being broken in half then eaten. Well, thankfully Jenny has a great life. She went from a nice childhood in Great Britain to a rockin career in L.A. Want to know how Jenny came to be? I hope you do, because I am about to tell you about Jenny the peanut’s Past, Present ,and Future.
When Jenny was a small peanut. She went to school in a small community. She was very happy here. She got good grades and was very well behaved. She did not want to go anywhere else. When it came time to choose a Jr. High. She chose Peanut Jr. High. What a great choice! There she succeeded in everything that she did.
Today Jenny is attending college at TCU. Go Horned Frogs! Jenny majors in science and theatre. She also made the basketball team and is leading them to victory. Jenny is also doing great in theatre. She plans to perform in the school play.
Jenny has many job options for the future. But jenny really sees herself as a music artist. A great one too. She believes that she can get #1 record in the country. Jenny also wants to perform with Hannah Nutanna. They will perform at the American Nutlines Center. Jenny then plans to move to L.A. where she will live for the rest of her life.
Speaking of life, Jenny had a great one. Then I ate her because I was hungry. Mmmmm. She went from hanging on a peanut tree to inside my stomach. That was Jenny the peanut’s Past, Present, and Future. I hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am like a huge Twilight fanatic. I love the whole sereirs. I have read all of the books twice. Which is nothing compared to some of you out there. I got the 3 DISC DELUX EDITION of the movie!!!!! I have watched it so many times, I may have the whole movie memorized. One day my friend and I got up watched the movie. When it was over we wathched it again. That is what we did for the entire day. Then when her mom came to pick her up, she weas depressed. Now when she comes over she is not alloud to watch it. Its crazy!!!! OME!!!!!
Did you know that there are twilight watches, puzzles, and sweet hearts? Don't even get me started on the Edward action figure. Let me get one thing clear: I do not have any of that and do not plan on getting any of it. All of that is allittle over the top for me. I got the magnets and the HUGE poster, thats good enough.


This picture really makes me happy. Don't know why it just does. =)
I own four turtles. It's crazy. Their not the smallest turtles around either. But I love them. Their names are: Samantha, Scraper, Dicken, and Ben.
One word "Orange"!!!!!

I have never liked oranges. I don't know why. I am just weird like that. My mom told me the other day that my favorite color is orange because my dad's is red and my mom's is yellow. Mix them together you get orange. Apparently I told her that along time ago.

I thought this was funny!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
John 3:16


I think it is time for a new background. If you know a website where I can get one PLEASE let me know!!


Guess What??!!! I learned how to spell LAUGH! L-A-U-G-H! I am so proud of myself. If you haven't noticed already, I am a very bad speller.
In speech we had to write a How to Speech. As in, how to make or do something. Wow, a speech in speech! Just kidding. I did mine on how to make salsa. Another kid did theirs on how to perform a wheely on a wheel chair. I thought it was pretty cool. If your ever in the mood to make some Salsa, read this and explore the wonderfu world of salsa making!

How to make Salsa!
The salsa I am going to make my dad has been making for years. He even makes it when he got jalapeño juice squirted in his eye and got cut by the Quick Chopper blade. I have not done any of that yet and hope that it does not happen any time soon. When someone gets jalapeño juice in their eye, it is not pretty. Now I am going to list the steps and instructions how to make salsa. (P.S. A Quick Chopper is the mixer thing I used to mix and chop all of the ingredients together.)
The first step in making salsa is to get everything you need. First, I got my Quick Chopper out and ready to go. Next, you need to wash your hands, because otherwise that would just be gross. Then you need to get out all of your ingredients. The ingredients include one jalapeño, two cloves of garlic, and a onion. Don’t forget two medium size ripe tomatoes or a can of tomatoes. Which ever works best for you. I am using the can of tomatoes. You need lemon juice, garlic salt, and two sprigs cilantro. Also get a tablespoon and teaspoon for measuring purposes. You may also need a bowl. Lastly, you have to have a bag of tortilla chips.
Your second step in making salsa is to cut one fourth off of your onion because that is plenty. Next, if your using fresh tomatoes, quarter them. If not, open the can of tomatoes and use three of the tomatoes inside. Take four sprigs of cilantro, two cloves of garlic, and throw that with everything else into the Quick Chopper. Measure one teaspoon of garlic salt and two teaspoon of lemon juice. Dump those into the Quick Chopper. Now for the Jalapeño. Put in one third for mild salsa, two thirds for medium, and all of it for hot and spicy salsa. I put in the whole thing.
Now that you have all of the ingredients in, you can now mix. Mix to consistency desired. Mix more quickly for finer cuts. When your done mixing, pour into a bowl. Then grab a tortilla chip. Lastly and finally, you can take the taste test. (And hope that it tastes gooood!)
Now that I have taught you how to make salsa, I hope you enjoy. I also tried to make it very spicy. (P.S. Did you know that the seeds inside of a jalapeño are the hottest part of it?)
Sorry if it was alittle confusing. 
This is a poem that I wrote for my grandma. She past away a few years ago. She had cancer, Skin Cancer. I hope you enjoy.
"All I Need is You"
I see the rain falling outside my window
I hear the hail hitting the window
Those dark black clouds are parting me from you
And there is nothing that I can do
I’ve never lost anyone before
Next thing I knew you were gone
Someone please help me, I can’t help myself
I need to, have to find you
This is the time that I must stand strong
A time I must hold the tears back
Show no anger and no fear
And ill do it all for you because
I miss you, I love you, I’m trying to live my life without you
So take my hand and pull me along
Cause all I need is you
I remember all the good times
Singing la la la la la
We were laughing, joking all the time
Everyone was happy then it all went cold
Why did you leave me, yah, you left me all alone
But I’m so selfish cause I know your in a better place
In heaven up above
This is the time that I must stand strong
A time I must hold the tears back
I just won’t be scared
And I’m doin it only for you because
I miss you, I love you, I’m trying to live my life without you
So take my hand and pull me along
Cause all I need is you
I can’t stand it any longer
So I’m going to let it all go
The thunder, The lightning
The clouds are getting to thick
The la la is fading away
No more laughing
All I hear is the crying
I can’t stand strong no more
The tears are falling too fast
I will admit it I am scared to death
I’m falling apart for you because
I miss you, I love you, I can’t live my life without you
Let go of my hand It stops right here
So I’m going to lay down and take my last breath
Cause all I need is you
But I can’t have you
Post a comment a nd tell me what you think. Then call your grandma and tell her you love her!
Hey Guys! Hope your mom had a great Mother's Day. I know mine did. Here is a poem I wrote for her. Tell me what you think of it.

"I Do it Because I love you."
I wrote this poem for you on May 10, 2009.
Well, I guess I had to since that was the dead line.
No, no. Just kidding. Every word came from the heart.
I hope you stash it away, so it will never be broken apart.
I know I can be a pain, and I do lose my way,
but your always there to find me and you never throw me away.
I love you very much and sometimes it may not show,
but you will always be my mom who makes me glow.
I am very Lucky to have you as my mommy,
even though sometimes I can be a big tuty.
You always make me laugh, we can be quite the funny two,
but there are the sad times that you help me through.
I would be lost without you.
Now, there is one more thing that I have to say
and you will be hearing it from me at least everyday
"Everything I say and everything I do,
we both know that
deep, deep, deep, deep down inside
I do it because
I love you."
I hope you liked it. Please post a comment. Don't be scared to tell the truth. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I have a horrible headache right now!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chill with the makeup!

I was inspired by Girls For God to post this.
Do you ever look at girls and say," Dang, they are wearing allot of makeup!"? Your first impression of them is that they wear allot of makeup. You remember them as "The Girl Who Wore Too Much Makeup". You don't want that to be your first impression. What i am trying to say is that when it comes to makeup, it goes a long way. Believe me, little is more. I read somewhere that you should only highlight one part of your face. Meaning your eyes, and lips. Either make your eyes pop or your lips pop. If you put on a pound of eyeshadow on your eyelids then a whole thing of lipstick on your lips, you may, most likley, look like a clown. Now do not get me wrong. Some people look really pretty with all of that makeup. FYI those people are usually adults. Young teens and teenagers can chill with the makeup! For example: I only put alittle bit of eyeshadow and some mascara on. I wear no lipstick, because I don't have to and I STRONGLY DISLIKE THAT STUFF! Please take this into consideration. And visit Girls For God.


How was everybody's day off Wednesday? I stayed home and played Guitar Hero all day. It really gets to your fingers after awhile. Post a comment and tell me what you did. Hopefully it was more exciting than mine. Fingers crossed.

Figure This One Out!

Here is a joke for you. You have ten fish. Eight drown. How many fish do you have now?
Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think

Osgood Schlatters


Have you ever Heard of that? Well I have it. It causes your knees to hurt (really, really, really bad). When you use your thigh muscles allot, that puts allot of pressure on your knee cap. Then , I forgot why, you have a bump right underneath your knee. That bump is bone. To keep it from hurting I wear a knee strap around my knee. I put in on kind of tight, because that pressure on the bump keeps it from hurting. It helps allot while I'm running. FYI: It usually happens to boys, but that doesn't mean it can't happen to girls. After saying all of that, you probably have no idea what I am talking about, so you should look it up. It is very interesting. I have placed a website about it right above this post.