Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hey Guys! Hope your mom had a great Mother's Day. I know mine did. Here is a poem I wrote for her. Tell me what you think of it.

"I Do it Because I love you."
I wrote this poem for you on May 10, 2009.
Well, I guess I had to since that was the dead line.
No, no. Just kidding. Every word came from the heart.
I hope you stash it away, so it will never be broken apart.
I know I can be a pain, and I do lose my way,
but your always there to find me and you never throw me away.
I love you very much and sometimes it may not show,
but you will always be my mom who makes me glow.
I am very Lucky to have you as my mommy,
even though sometimes I can be a big tuty.
You always make me laugh, we can be quite the funny two,
but there are the sad times that you help me through.
I would be lost without you.
Now, there is one more thing that I have to say
and you will be hearing it from me at least everyday
"Everything I say and everything I do,
we both know that
deep, deep, deep, deep down inside
I do it because
I love you."
I hope you liked it. Please post a comment. Don't be scared to tell the truth. Thanks!

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