Friday, January 28, 2011

My Brain's Headache Has A Headache!

This is my first year being really involved in theatre. The only thing is, it sure is a lot of work. I never would have thought. But, don't get me wrong, I love it! Theatre is so much fun and in the end, the shows are wonderful. The adrenaline rush you get before, during, and after a performance is amazing.

Right now I am memorizing a 5-10 minute scene called "The Gingerbread Lady" and a monologue from "Till Death". I AM FREAKING OUT! So many lines, so little time. It's fun though. "Till Death" was written by one of the seniors at my school. In February, the theatre department performs student directed plays. It's really cool. "The Gingerbread Lady" is a grade for the theatre class. Then in in a few weeks we will be performing those to the public. AHHHHHH!!

All in all, I can't wait. Tell me about any of your theatre experiences. I would love to hear them!