Friday, June 26, 2009

Flowers done in charcoal.

"Hello Kity"

"flaming basketball"

My Sketch book drawings.

This is a picture of Pooh. I drew him with pencil.
I thought that the turn out was good.
A girl in a prom dress. Also drawn in pencil.
A flower with hearts and swirls.
An eye and a nose blown up.

My Art work

This one is first pinkish redish water colors. Then black paint.
In other words it is a silhouette.
The next two were part of a process.
This is step one. Done in pencil.
This was step two. First I colored a piece of paper really hard with crayons. Then painted over with it in black paint. Then scraped some of the paint off to come up with the finished product.

My Art work

This is another pencil drawing that I did for Onsite drawing. I got first place>
This is one of my abstract pieces. This picture really describes me.
The left side of this is really the top and the right side is really the bottom. It is bamboo.
I drew this with ink.
This is a "Valley". I did it with paint.
This is a part of an orange flower. I drew this one with water colored pencils.

My Art work

Below are some of my pencil drawings.
This is my sister's turtle "Samantha".
This is what I drew in an art contest called Onsite Drawing. I got fifth place at state
Below are some of my pastel drawings.

This is a "Desert".
This is a "Cowboy Hat".
P.S. There is more to the picture, But I could not fit it all into the picture.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"DAAADDYYY! I'm thirsty!"

Here is a little story I was told in church Sunday. I thought it was funny, so I will tell it to you.
There was a dad putting his son to bed. "You used the restroom?" "Yes, dad" "Anything else before I leave? Once I'm gone you loose your chance." "Nope." "O.K. Goodnight son." "Goodnight daddy." Then the dad shuts the door and leaves. 5 minutes later "DAAAddYYYY! " , the son yells, " Can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!" "No son. You already had your chance." 5 minutes later "DAAAADDYYYY!", the son yells," Can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!" "No son! I gave you a chance and you didn't use it! Ask me one more time and I will come in there and give you a spanking!" 2minutes later "DAAADDYYY! When you come in here to give me a spanking, can you bring me a glass of water! I am thirsty!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

God vs. Money: Who do you think should win?

Then Jesus said to them," Be careful and guard against ll kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much one owns."

Luke 12:15

"So much stuff to shop for, and so little time......" Has that ever gone through through your head before? It probably has. Let's hope that your not building you life around that next visit to the mall. The problem is that many people are. Today, people are obsessed with money and everything that it can buy. God is not. Should you be? God cares about people not their possessions, we should think like that too. Everyday we must try to resist the great temptation of placing possessions ahead of people. We must do our best to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Hear this: money is no evil, worshipping it is. You have got to remember that God is almighty and money is not. Worship God and you are blessed. Worship the dollar, we are punished and our punishment comes sooner rather than later.

"As faithful stewards of what we have, ought we not to give earnest thought to our staggering surplus?" Elizabeth Elliot
"It's sobering to contemplate how much time, effort, sacrifice, compromise, and attention we give to acquiring and increasing our supply of something that is totally insignificant in eternity."
Anne Graham Lotz
"When possessions become our god, we become materialistic and greedy...... and we forfeit our contentment and our joy." Charles Swindoll
" When we put people before possessions in our hearts, we are sowing seeds of enduring satisfaction." Beverly LaHaye
"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess." Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom

Remember that your real riches are in heaven and to always place God First. Everything we have, we borrow from God.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I LOVE FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McDonald's fries are definitely my weakness. My life would be lost with out them.

God places our friends on our path.

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you.
Philippians 1:3
Want to know a little more about me, well, here you go.
I have three really close friends. There names are Melissa, Emma, and Mckynzie(let's call her Mac for short).
I have known Mac since kindergarten. From what I have heard, I didn't have many friends back then. On the first day of the first grade, she asked me to play with her. I was so happy.
Now she calls me "first bestest buddy". I hope we can stay friends forever.
Next is Emma. All I can say is,"OH, EMMA!" I have also known her since kindergarten. We were not really friends then, but we have gotten closer. She is practicly my sister. I see her almost every day. Visit her blog at . It is real cute!My life would be soooo boring without her. She is the one who tests my patience( EVERY time I see her. I love her! =D
Lastly is Melissa. I saved the best for last. I honestly do not deserve her as my friend. She is so nice and kind to me. She is so unselfish. I have known her since we were both two. We have amazingly kept a strong friendship for that long. I am am speechless. I do not know what I would do without her. I thank her for all of that. Check out her blogs, and . They are so totally AWESOME!

Friend-a person who is attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Other words that describe true friends: trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, kindness, understanding, forgiveness, encouragement, humor, and cheerfulness.

We need to thank God for our friends and the many other things He has given us. He is the one who place them on our path of life.
"We long to find someone who has been where we've been, who shares our fragile skies, who sees our sunsets with the same shades of blue."
Beth Moore
"You could have been born in another time and another place, but God determined to "people" your life with these particular friends."
Joni Eareckson Tada
"Trust is the soil in which the flower of friendship grows."
Marie T. Freeman
"The best times in life are made a thousand times better when shared with a dear friend."
Luci Swindoll
May we have our friends and keep them forever!

Winnie the Pooh

I have an Eorh backpack. He is my second favorite Winnie the Pooh character. (P.S. I don't really use it. It is just for show.)( P.S.S. If you know how to spell Eyor, let me know if I spelled it right. If i did not please let me know. THANKS!)
Call me a baby, but I love Pooh Bear. I watched his movies all the time when I was little. I think he is sooo CUTE!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Laaaaaa La La Laaaa La!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Great Wolfe Lodge

For my end of school celebration, my family and I went to the Great Wolf Lodge. I had a great time. There is an outdoor and indoor water parks. Indoors, there are two big water slides and three small ones, a lazy river, wave pool, an area for the little ones, and a big jungle gym with a big bucket(the kind that fills up with water then dumps water on you). I had to hold my bottoms up. My friend Kellie and I stood in the jungle gym in the same spot for about 30 minutes. All we did was dump water on people. It was really sad that we were laughing at peoples' misery. One thing that I thought was cool, was that every time the waves in the wave pool were about to start wolves would howl. Everything else was O.K. I would give the indoor park a 3 out of a five. It could have been better.
The outdoor park I give a 2 out of a 5. There were two little slides. There was this thing that spit out water every once in Really nothing else. Almost forgot about the hot tubs. Every water park must have a hot tub. There were two of them. One went from the outside to the inside. That one wasn't really hot, it was warm(Probably because the only people in it were kids). The other one was for adults only.
Every morning and night there is a show in the lobby. The thing is, there were robot things singing. They were singing, "Don't be afraid...." I was like, " I am of you!" So, I never really watched it. The whole day those robot things were starring at you. Yeah, NOT DISTURBING AT ALL!!!! Another down side is there theme song. I was about to go crazy (oh wait. I already am). If you every see the commercials or go through the entrance, COVER YOUR EARS! You do not want the same fate a s me.
Another thing to do there is the Quest thing. You get a wand and you get a topper on it then these string thingies. I didn't actually do it, But it looked like FUN! There are tons of other things to do there you should check it out. I had a great time, I bet you would too!
P.S. If you do go, try a virgin Pina Colada. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! OMG! That drink was the best. I could live off of that stuff.

CrAzY AnD bRaInLeSs :D

O.K. Please don't laugh at me. If you look at my followers you will probably see two new ones. The first one, I'll get to later. The other one is RamsGirl, me. Yes, I follow my own blog. Really sad I know. The thing is, I have no idea exactly how I did it. Now, for the second one, that's my friends' new blog, CrAzY aNd BrAiNlEsS. Please visit it. There's not much there yet, but it is a working progress. I think it is really cute. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

These are the only videos I can use, so what the heck. Here they are!