Friday, June 26, 2009

Flowers done in charcoal.

"Hello Kity"

"flaming basketball"

My Sketch book drawings.

This is a picture of Pooh. I drew him with pencil.
I thought that the turn out was good.
A girl in a prom dress. Also drawn in pencil.
A flower with hearts and swirls.
An eye and a nose blown up.

My Art work

This one is first pinkish redish water colors. Then black paint.
In other words it is a silhouette.
The next two were part of a process.
This is step one. Done in pencil.
This was step two. First I colored a piece of paper really hard with crayons. Then painted over with it in black paint. Then scraped some of the paint off to come up with the finished product.

My Art work

This is another pencil drawing that I did for Onsite drawing. I got first place>
This is one of my abstract pieces. This picture really describes me.
The left side of this is really the top and the right side is really the bottom. It is bamboo.
I drew this with ink.
This is a "Valley". I did it with paint.
This is a part of an orange flower. I drew this one with water colored pencils.

My Art work

Below are some of my pencil drawings.
This is my sister's turtle "Samantha".
This is what I drew in an art contest called Onsite Drawing. I got fifth place at state
Below are some of my pastel drawings.

This is a "Desert".
This is a "Cowboy Hat".
P.S. There is more to the picture, But I could not fit it all into the picture.