Friday, May 15, 2009

Make time for God.

The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
Isaiah 50:4
When you pray to God, do you do it just to do it, you try to squeeze him in to your already busy schedule, or do you actually spend more time with him and remind yourself of God's love? You can be closer to God just by spending each morning with him to align your priorities for the day. Anything you need help with, God can help you. Ask for it many times each day by starting with you morning prayer. When you do it, it will change your life. God deserves more than that, but it is better than nothing. You have to start some where. Then you can grow from that.

"We all need to make time for God. Even Jesus made time to be alone with God."
Kay Arthur
"Morning praise will make your days."
Old Saying
"The world is full of noise. Let us learn the art of silence, stillness, and solitude."
Elisabeth Elliot
The world is always calling your name, but it is up to you to make time for God.

Worry Stone

Have you ever heard of a worry stone? Well, now you can say you have. I have one. It is like a clear stone with an angel inside. If I remember correctly, you give all of you worries to the angel. Whenever I pray, I hold the stone in between my hands. I got the stone from one of my mom's friends on the day of my baptism. It is really special to me. It is a good reminder that you can always go to God for help 24/7.