Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chill with the makeup!

I was inspired by Girls For God to post this.
Do you ever look at girls and say," Dang, they are wearing allot of makeup!"? Your first impression of them is that they wear allot of makeup. You remember them as "The Girl Who Wore Too Much Makeup". You don't want that to be your first impression. What i am trying to say is that when it comes to makeup, it goes a long way. Believe me, little is more. I read somewhere that you should only highlight one part of your face. Meaning your eyes, and lips. Either make your eyes pop or your lips pop. If you put on a pound of eyeshadow on your eyelids then a whole thing of lipstick on your lips, you may, most likley, look like a clown. Now do not get me wrong. Some people look really pretty with all of that makeup. FYI those people are usually adults. Young teens and teenagers can chill with the makeup! For example: I only put alittle bit of eyeshadow and some mascara on. I wear no lipstick, because I don't have to and I STRONGLY DISLIKE THAT STUFF! Please take this into consideration. And visit Girls For God.


How was everybody's day off Wednesday? I stayed home and played Guitar Hero all day. It really gets to your fingers after awhile. Post a comment and tell me what you did. Hopefully it was more exciting than mine. Fingers crossed.

Figure This One Out!

Here is a joke for you. You have ten fish. Eight drown. How many fish do you have now?
Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think ??? Think

Osgood Schlatters


Have you ever Heard of that? Well I have it. It causes your knees to hurt (really, really, really bad). When you use your thigh muscles allot, that puts allot of pressure on your knee cap. Then , I forgot why, you have a bump right underneath your knee. That bump is bone. To keep it from hurting I wear a knee strap around my knee. I put in on kind of tight, because that pressure on the bump keeps it from hurting. It helps allot while I'm running. FYI: It usually happens to boys, but that doesn't mean it can't happen to girls. After saying all of that, you probably have no idea what I am talking about, so you should look it up. It is very interesting. I have placed a website about it right above this post.