Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!!

I hope everyone has a fun and save day. Don't blow any fingers off when you light the fireworks!
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17

Monday, June 20, 2011


My mom went shopping today and found these cute sandals at Old Navy. They were only 4 bucks each! Later, I got a third pair which are leopard print. What a deal!!! I love things on clearance!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Beautiful Boquet

After "Wendy's Tale" a friend of mine gave me some flowers. So sweet! Anyway, afterwards I took pictures of the flowers before they died.

I hope you are having a lovely summer!


Hey everybody! I know it has been awhile, I am just now getting into the swing of summer. But I wanted to tell you to check out my friend's new blog. She very excited about it and new to the blogging community. I find the title of the blog to be very creative. Her blog is called "Letters From Nowhere". Check it out at

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Found It!!

I looked everywhere and in the end I succeeded. I have found my script. There is no need to weep know. The first place my mom told me to look, well that was where I found it. This is why God gave us moms.

My Script Disappeared..... :(

You do not realize how much you depend on something until it is GONE. I have lost my script. I feel like half of me has shriveled up and died. My baby is no where to be found. So I am going to go and search for her. Wish me luck. P.s. the show is Wendy's Tale and guess what....? I am Wendy. The show is in two weeks!!!! AHHHHH!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Click on and watch me! Have a happy Easter!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Church Marquees

These were on a printed email of my grandmother's I found today. They made me happy. I hope they do the same for you.

  • "Don't give up. Moses was once a basket case."

  • "Prevent truth decay. Brush up on your Bible."

  • "The best vitamin for a Christian in B1."

  • " Under same management for over 2000 years."

  • "Soul food served here."

  • "Tithe if you love Jesus! Anyone can honk!"

  • "Beat the Christmas rush, come to church this Sunday!"

  • "Don't wait for the hearse to take you to church."

  • "Life has many choices, Eternity has two. What's your?"

  • "Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due."

  • "Wal-Mart isn't the only saving place!"

  • "Preach the gospel at all time. Use words if necessary."

  • "It's hard to stumble when you're down on your knees."

  • "What part of 'THOU SHALT NOT' don't you understand?"

  • "A clear conscience makes a soft pillow."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Rule That Is Gold

You know the Golden Rule, "Treat others how you want to be treated"(there are many different ways to word it). There is a poster of it in every first grade classroom you walk into. Well, I was reading and discovered the relation between the Golden Rule and the Bible.

"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them." -Mathew 7:12

Sometimes we are tired, in a bad mood, or even upset and we say and do things to other people that we will regret. That makes following the Golden Rule hard. We need to try every day to treat others with respect, kindness, courtesy, and love. Doing that will make others and yourself happy!

"The Golden Rule starts at home, but it should never stop there." -Marie T. Freeman

"The Lord has abundantly blessed me all of my life. I'm not trying to pay Him back for all of His wonderful gifts; I just realize that He gave them to me to give away." -Lisa Whelchel

"It's no secret,. The ministry of the church is a genuine concern for others. We need to stop talking about it and start doing it. Rise and shine friend. Everyone you meet today is on heaven's most wanted list." -Charles Swindoll
Challenge yourself to put others before yourself.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Seak Up Please

You forget how much you talk until you can't talk anymore. HAHA!! I've lost my voice! When I try to talk I sound like a character out of a horror movie or even Darth Vader. HAHA!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No School

Didn't go to school yesterday. Didn't go to school today. Won't go to school tomorrow. Due to the hazardous roads, I haven't been to school. It's not like I can go outside and play in the snow. Why can't I play in the snow? Oh, yeah. It's not snow, it's ice. The back porch is frozen solid. I went to get the mail and almost slipped and fell. It is FREEZING!

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Brain's Headache Has A Headache!

This is my first year being really involved in theatre. The only thing is, it sure is a lot of work. I never would have thought. But, don't get me wrong, I love it! Theatre is so much fun and in the end, the shows are wonderful. The adrenaline rush you get before, during, and after a performance is amazing.

Right now I am memorizing a 5-10 minute scene called "The Gingerbread Lady" and a monologue from "Till Death". I AM FREAKING OUT! So many lines, so little time. It's fun though. "Till Death" was written by one of the seniors at my school. In February, the theatre department performs student directed plays. It's really cool. "The Gingerbread Lady" is a grade for the theatre class. Then in in a few weeks we will be performing those to the public. AHHHHHH!!

All in all, I can't wait. Tell me about any of your theatre experiences. I would love to hear them!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Houseshoes my sister and I got for Christmas. (Mine are the bumble bees. HeeHee!)

A Funny Joke!

There were two snowmen out in a yard and one asked the other, "Do you smell carrots?"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Am....

Organized, clumsy, sympathetic, and stubborn
A loving sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, and cousin.
Who loves classic Disney Movies, theatre, the color orange, long rode trips, cool weather, and listening to any Veggie Tales ditty.
Who feels confused, loved, semi-confident, uncoordinated, and prepared.
Who fears saying the wrong thing, losing friends or family, and hurting someones feelings.
Who needs laughter, cantaloupe, alone time, friends and family.
Who gives generously, support to those in need, encouragement, a helping hand, and appreciation.
Who would like a college scholarship, a trip to the moon, to travel the world, to learn something new, and make a difference in someones life.