Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Great Wolfe Lodge

For my end of school celebration, my family and I went to the Great Wolf Lodge. I had a great time. There is an outdoor and indoor water parks. Indoors, there are two big water slides and three small ones, a lazy river, wave pool, an area for the little ones, and a big jungle gym with a big bucket(the kind that fills up with water then dumps water on you). I had to hold my bottoms up. My friend Kellie and I stood in the jungle gym in the same spot for about 30 minutes. All we did was dump water on people. It was really sad that we were laughing at peoples' misery. One thing that I thought was cool, was that every time the waves in the wave pool were about to start wolves would howl. Everything else was O.K. I would give the indoor park a 3 out of a five. It could have been better.
The outdoor park I give a 2 out of a 5. There were two little slides. There was this thing that spit out water every once in Really nothing else. Almost forgot about the hot tubs. Every water park must have a hot tub. There were two of them. One went from the outside to the inside. That one wasn't really hot, it was warm(Probably because the only people in it were kids). The other one was for adults only.
Every morning and night there is a show in the lobby. The thing is, there were robot things singing. They were singing, "Don't be afraid...." I was like, " I am of you!" So, I never really watched it. The whole day those robot things were starring at you. Yeah, NOT DISTURBING AT ALL!!!! Another down side is there theme song. I was about to go crazy (oh wait. I already am). If you every see the commercials or go through the entrance, COVER YOUR EARS! You do not want the same fate a s me.
Another thing to do there is the Quest thing. You get a wand and you get a topper on it then these string thingies. I didn't actually do it, But it looked like FUN! There are tons of other things to do there you should check it out. I had a great time, I bet you would too!
P.S. If you do go, try a virgin Pina Colada. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! OMG! That drink was the best. I could live off of that stuff.


  1. Funny, I just got back from the "Grand Bear Lodge". Great Wolf? Grand Bear? Get it? Oh, and that's for following me!!
    Just thought you might not spend a lot of time on your actual blog, but there are some risque images on you Amazon MP3 thing. Just "Pink" "The Pussycat dolls" "Britney Spears" and the likes. Just thought you'd like to know.
    Ur sister in christ Jesus,

  2. Yep that MP3 thing is getting very annoying!


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