Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Yep. I'm Good."

Lately, I have been trying to live the theory that it is easier to laugh than to cry. Then someone told me that sometimes you have to cry. I agreed with her. But, when it comes to little things, it is easier to laugh than to cry. Let me give you an example....... (This is for you, Melissa)

Once upon a time I was in geometry class. It was almost time to leave when the the people at my table ask me to give our homework to the teacher. So, being the oh so kind person I am, I grabbed the papers and started toward the teacher. Next thing I know I was on the ground. BWHAAAAAAA!!! I was laughing and the entire class was laughing(I even think my teacher was laughing). After laying there for a sec to take it all in and with hair all in my face, I got up and handed the homework papers to the teacher. He asked me if I was O.K., "Yep. I'm good." As I was still laughing and the rest of the class was laughing hysterically, I slowly and carefully made my way back to my seat. I sat down and realized that the three people at my table were laughing so hard that their faces were red. One girl kept telling me she was so sorry that she was laughing. I told her that it was fine because I was laughing just as hard as she was. And I live happily ever after with a bruised shin and a carpet burn.

After class, people were telling me that I had made there day. That made me feel really good. One girl told me that first I was vertical, then horizontal in the air, then lying on the ground. I thought that was funny. You see, my point is that, in this case, it was easy to laugh then to cry. Plus, I have a really good story to tell now!

P.S. I later found out that my foot got caught in these computer cords. That's how I fell. I hope I didn't mess up the computer! :D


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