Saturday, September 18, 2010

It is amazing how many memories a stuffed animal can hold.


  1. like the bunny buildabear you got with me & my nana ages ago.

    & I got the bear with the little pink shirt, but then gave it away because Maddy and Morgan told me a scary story about a stuffed bear and I couldn't keep it in my room anymore. :(

  2. I loved stuffed animals when I was younger. You wouldn't believe all of the random stories and memories I have from playing with them.

    I am new to your blog and following you. I would love if you stopped by my blog and followed me.


  3. Melissa,
    I still have that bunny, but, the sad thing is, I forgot what I named it. Like you did, I usually refer to it as "the buildabear bunny I got with Melissa".

    Hey Maggie!
    Thanks for following my blog. I checked out your blog and it is really cute! You should see melissa's blogs. One of them is Girls For God. The blog button is on the right hand side.


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