Thursday, April 29, 2010

Peace, Love and Happiness

I drew this with oil pastels. It was supposed to be PEACE, LOVE, and HAPPINESS but when I put them together, they got mixed up. That's o.k. I still liked how they turned out! Hope you do too!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hot Dogs: Hall of Fame!

This is poster I made with hot dogs I cut out of a magazine. It was for speech. I tried to name each hot dog, but could not quite figure out what to name the bottom one. We were performing T.V. shows and there were interviews. My name was LaBeef LaWeeta. I was a famous hot dog eater. Pretty random...I know. That's why I made a Hot Dogs: Hall of Fame!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Book Thief.

This is one of the best books I have ever read!!! That is enough said. You should check it out.
WARNING: This book takes place during the Holocaust and if that is a sensitive subject for you I would not advise you to read this book. I did cry allot while reading this book. Let's just say that those were not happy tears.
But happy tears or sad tears, any book that can make you cry is a really good book. I love this book. I would read it again and again, again, again, and again........
Oh, it is narrated by death.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Challenge you!

Think about this:
Have you ever tried to leave the house to go somewhere, but you can't because you have misplaced your cell phone and you can not live without it?
Dinner is ready. Time to sit down with the family, but your eyes are glued to the T.V.?
Are you ready to go to church? No, because you can not let go of the remote to the Xbox.
Technology has become a big part of your life whether you realize it or not. Sometimes, it may even end up controlling your life.
Now think about this: What if people were that concerned about other things, more important things. Like spending time with family, cleaning your room, doing homework, or even reading the bible and talking with God.
Because we are humans, we will have problems. But, sometimes, instead of turning to God for help, we play video games, search the Internet, text our friends. Then our problems get buried and may even become worse. Don't get me wrong. Technology is great! But if it runs your life and that is your life, take a minute and pick up a bible.

Now this is your challenge:
God deserves more attention than your cell phone. Find time during the week and turn all your electronics OFF. Talk to God. I promise you He does not mind and He will listen to you.
(P.S. Use you head. Don't turn anything off that might aggravate the parents!!)

Let me know how it woks out! =D

Learn to LAUGH!!!!

WOW!!! I can not believe that the school year is almost over. This year has gone by real fast. I have learned over the years(that makes me sound old, which I am not( no offense to anybody)) that the older you do get, the faster time flies. Ha HA! Like time really flies. I meant, the faster time goes by.
Well, I am not going to stress myself out over the future. Let's concern ourselves with the present. In school I am in a speech class( which is basically a theatre class). The past two or three weeks we have been working on Duets. Oooooh Duets. Everyone in the class got a partner. I got a good partner, but you could say that she didn't receive the same. I tend to play more than work sometimes and I think I got on her nerves allot. She is just too nice and decided she would put up with me.
There were about 17 groups in my class. Each group received a different script. My partner and I got a boring one. It was called "He's Mine". Girl thinks boy is cute. Boy meets girl. Girl decides she does not like the boy. Friend of girl says they should hang out anyway. Girl suffers and friend is entertained. How typical.
We practiced and practiced. These duets are about 10 min. long, so it was a little of a struggle. My lines basically repeated themselves all of the time. Because of that, there were a few lines that I got mixed up all of the time. Then ( thanks to all of that practice) i finally remembered the lines. Now all I had to do was perform it in front of the class.......for a grade. I was determined to not forget any lines and do great.
Our teacher films the duets so we can watch them ourselves later. The day came to perform and we were ready. The camera was recording and we were performing. Everything was going great. Then I forget my lines.......
Let's skip ahead for a moment. My partner and I got a 100 on this performance. Now you ask, "How? You forgot your lines and it is 2 points taken off each time you forget them." Then I say," Yes it is true and I forgot my lines a total 3 times. I used the art of add libbing(I do not know how to spell that)."
Now back to the performance. Then........ I forgot my lines! I had already come up with some back up lines in case something like this was to occur. So, to the audience I said," That boy is so cute, he has took the words right out of me." The class starts to laugh knowing that those words were not the ones i was planning to come out of my mouth. This gives me a moment to make up something.
As you can tell from the grade, I did not give up and I did move the performance along. I remembered the rest of my lines and ended with the whole class laughing. The camera did not stop filming once. I pursued what I had planned to do. I even turned a boring script into an exciting one.
I soon learned that other speech classes got to watch my hysterical performance. People were walking up to me telling that they saw it and what their favorite part was. We would start to laugh at the funny memory.
I am going to hold on to this memory forever. Why? you ask. Because it taught me to laugh at myself. That I can't be perfect and that (like every other human being) I will make mistakes. I took that mistake and made it a funny. Not to mention that I had so much fun doing it!